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4.7 Closing Argument

The closing argument is your chance to tie everything together and explain to the arbitrator how the facts, law and evidence support the claims you are trying to prove. Here are some general suggestions to keep in mind:

  • At the start, briefly restate the claims you are trying to prove and any remedies you are seeking.
  • Summarize the most important evidence that came out during the hearing, without repeating anything in too much detail. 
  • Identify any missing evidence from the opposing party’s case, especially if they have the onus of proof.
  • Point out any contradictions exposed during cross-examination that might undermine the landlord’s evidence.
  • Explain how the law applies to the facts that have been established through testimony and other evidence. If there is relevant case law that you have submitted, this is the time to explain how it supports your case.
  • It is generally inappropriate to raise new issues or refer to facts that did not come out earlier in the hearing. If the arbitrator allows the opposing party to do this, ask for an opportunity to respond to their statements.

Going into your hearing, you should have a general idea of how you would like to summarize your case when providing a closing argument. But dispute resolution hearings can be unpredictable, so be prepared to adapt your closing argument based on the testimony that comes out during the hearing.

