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2.8 Joint Applications

Multiple dispute resolution applications can be joined and heard as one hearing – as long as the Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) believes this would result in a fair, efficient, and consistent process. The Rules of Procedure note that the RTB will also consider the following when responding to a request to join applications:

  • whether the applications relate to the same residential property or residential properties which appear to be managed as one unit;
  • whether all applications name the same landlord;
  • whether the remedies sought in each application are similar; and
  • whether it appears that the arbitrator will have to consider the same facts and make the same or similar findings of fact or law in resolving each application.


Applying as Co-tenants

If you and a roommate share a tenancy agreement as “co-tenants”, you can submit one application that lists both of you as applicants. You do not have to submit separate applications and request that they be joined.

